Black rice and the others aromatics
Black rice, Red rice ...
The centuries-old Italian agricultural tradition has produced some rices of great value, became famous all over the world. Characterized by colors and flavors all of course already present in the beans and never added, represent a new excellence in the culinary scene of Made in Italy. The black color and red color is due to the presence of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants similar to those found in grapes and berries. The special pigmented rices are all integrals: compared to white rice are rich in fiber, minerals (like manganese, zinc, iron and selenium) and vitamins, so as to find a useful use in nutraceuticals, as well as being indicated in an eating style healthy and balanced. The black and red rices do not contain gluten and are also suitable for diets "gluten free".
State per mettervi ai fornelli ? Ecco cosa preparare questa sera ...
Posted by riso guerrini on Giovedì 26 marzo 2015
Posted by riso guerrini on Lunedì 7 aprile 2014
Posted by riso guerrini on Domenica 27 settembre 2015