Guided tour in rice farm

Groups of turists for visits in paddy and rice mill.

We have always been a company that has no secrets for its customers, convinced that there is nothing better than to introduce ourselves making them see (almost with a "hands") all of the processes that turn a seed into a plant, and from there gradually up to a bag of rice packaged and ready for sale.

We propose to gruppie groups of tourists, village associations hiking or pro-loco, guided visits to our company, to see live the "husking" rice. During the visit also we illustrate the different varieties of rice in Italy, as in the kitchen and lend themselves to such recipes, the best way to cook them and to preserve them.
To those who wish to devote more time to the world of rice, we have the opportunity to bring tourists directly in paddy field (in the fields) to see how they grow, the water path and the System "terraces" indispensable to cultivate rice.

If you want to visit us in a special occasion, you can do the 2nd Sunday in October on the occasion of our Festival of New Harvest.

Here are some suggestions for a visit instead in a group or school class:

Full tour in paddy and rice mill

Recommended period: from April to October

Estimated time for the visit: about 3 hours

Packed Lunches or agreement with neighboring restaurants

Program visit:
Check chosen now at our farm and company presentation, machinery, tools and activities to visitors
Short walk to the rice fields (not in case of rain).
Visit the rice fields and explanation of agricultural operations for the period (not in case of rain).
Back at the farm, and live viewing with explanation of the manufacturing and processing of rice in the rice mill. Differences between the varieties of rice and cooking uses.
Time for shopping.

Only for groups of tourists
Reservations required

Tour in rice mill

Recommended period: always

Estimated time for the visit: about 1,5 hours

Packed Lunches or agreement with neighboring restaurants

Program visit:
Check chosen now at our farm and company presentation, machinery, tools and activities to visitors
Live viewing with explanation of the manufacturing and processing of rice in the rice mill. Differences between the varieties of rice and cooking uses.
Time for shopping.

Only for groups of tourists
Reservations required

Possible routes combined

Discover all routes on the site dell'Atl Biella.
Parco della Burcina – Pollone (BI)

Visite guidate al parco
Distanza 24 Km.
30 min circa in bus

Tel. 015 2563007

Santuario di Oropa (BI)

Distanza 30 Km. – 40 minuti circa in bus

informazioni e prenotazioni:
tel. 015
Ricetto Medievale di Candelo (BI)

Visite guidate e laboratori didattici
Distanza 15 Km.– 24 minuti circa in bus

Pro Loco - tel.015 2536728

Viverone Lago - Roppolo Castello Enoteca (BI)

Distanza 28 Km. – 34 min circa in bus

informazioni e prenotazioni:
tel. 015 25551200 Pro Loco Viverone
Az. Agr. Il Tiglio  - Salussola (BI)

Percorso: Le api e il Miele
Dist. 4,5 Km.– 6 minuti circa in ScuolaBus

Dist. 12 Km.– 18 minuti circa in PULMANN
Info: 0161.998625

Iscritti all'elenco ufficiale Fattorie Didattiche Regione Piemonte 

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